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More Out Of Microsoft - Teams Tips - Blue Sprout

More Out Of Microsoft – Teams Tips

27/05/2021 admin Comments Off

Microsoft Teams continues to have growing use.  People working from home has been supported by the use of Teams in many organisation.

The basics are obvious and we can work most of this out ourselves, but here are a few tips you might find helpful.

Use Slash (/) Commands

Slash commands provide a quick way of performing actions.  When using slash commands, Teams conveniently provides options as you go.

To access the slash commands, go to the “Search” area at the top of the screen and type “/”.

Here are a couple I find useful.


Type “/goto” then press enter.  You will be shown a list of teams and channels you can access.


This slash command shows you all the keyboard short cuts for Teams.


And /Files will provide you details of your recent files.

Mark a Message as Unread

A common activity in Outlook is to mark emails as unread.  This provides a reminder to go back to that email.  You can do this in Teams as well.  Hover on the message and click on the “Three Dots”.  Then select Mark as unread.