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Bots and Worklows - Power Automate - Blue Sprout

Bots and Worklows – Power Automate

30/03/2021 admin Comments Off

In today’s tech driven, fast paced society, we want to get to the good stuff, and we want to get there fast. We’re sick of being encumbered by task and operation overhead. We want auto-responses, auto-alerts, and auto-[insert every day boring tasks here]. This is why we’ve found ways to automate all the background noise – using bots and logic flows.

These bots are driven by code and programming syntax; this is often daunting to those who are not too familiar with the technical development side of things.

Power Automate is one of the few low/no-code solutions for those who aren’t code savvy, or even for those who simply do not have the time to spend hours writing code. It allows its users to delve deep into automation and logic flow building without requiring a single piece of code to be written. Power Automate has a very intuitive user interface with a host of modules readily available to the user. The possibilities are endless when it comes to this solution; below are a few of the many templates offered by Power Automate which gives us a glimpse into what it is capable of achieving.

To demonstrate Power Automate’s sheer simplicity I have set up an extremely basic flow. Here I am triggering an alert to a specified Microsoft Teams channel when a response to a form is submitted.

And within the space of a few seconds, I’ve set up a flow which means I don’t have to post a message in the channel every time a response is submitted! How easy was that?! This flow barely even scratches the surface of what’s actually possible with Power Automate. One can go even deeper if they have coding knowledge and play around with the driving code of these modules. This solution is clearly a very powerful tool and we highly recommend it.

Please contact us should you or your company need any Flows to be custom built and tailored to your requirements.