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More Out Of Microsoft - Review Your Subscriptions - Blue Sprout

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More Out Of Microsoft – Review Your Subscriptions

26/11/2020 admin Comments Off

If there is one thing that is certain, it is “Change”.  As a business, there is reasonable chance you will have changed over the last 12 months. Even if you haven’t changed, the subscription structure for Office 365 has. There is a transition from Office 365 to Microsoft 365 and with in these boarder categories, there is a wide range of options.

Your Microsoft tenant has an “Admin Center”.  Here you can purchase a wide range of Microsoft licenses (among other things). When you look inside the Admin Center you will currently see there are:

  • +  22 Microsoft 365 options
  • +  10  Office 365 options

Do you know which subscription you have?  Are you clear on the right mix of subscriptions for your business?

If you haven’t reviewed your subscriptions in the last 12 months, it is probably time to do so.