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Technology Integration - The Battle of 2020 and Beyond - Blue Sprout

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Technology Integration – The Battle of 2020 and Beyond

12/04/2021 admin Comments Off

Over the last 50 years we have seen many technology developments and the speed of change grows.  It was 2007 that we saw the first iPhone and now the smartphone is an extension of our very being.

Like me, you’ve likely outsourced a certain amount of your own memory to your smartphone.  Can you remember your mother’s phone number or birthday? Or perhaps it might be details of how to navigate to a restaurant or client on “the other side of town”.

From a business perspective we have an application for marketing, an excel spreadsheet for quoting, a programme for finance and a system for managing our core business.  Often, all from a different provider.  The dream of a “single provider meeting all your needs” has become a nightmare and the double handling we now face is a cost burden at the least.

Commissioned by Pegboard Co in 2015 and reviewed in 2017, the Australian Integration Review identified a number of challenges facing business, most of which are still valid in 2021.  The challenge of system integration and related business efficiency is a constant conversation.

Is system integration a problem for me?

These simple questions can help you assess your current status:

Do we rekey data twice?

Do we rekey data three or more times?

Do we use Excel to export and import data from one system to another?

Does our CRM link to other systems?

Have we avoided a CRM because they don’t link?

Does our finance team have adequate and automated visibility of our sales team activities?

Do we rekey data from my suppliers?

Does this impact our financial results or customer service levels?

Facts from the review

71% of organisations believed they had moderately high to total levels of integration but 85% of organisations rely on Excel to input or export data across different applications.

77% of organisations view integration as high priority and 66% of senior business leaders believe integrated sales, marketing and core business systems are essential for company growth.

50% of senior executives would prefer to handpick their own sales, marketing and core business system and unify these through integration.

86% of organisations agreed or strongly agreed that total integration would drive efficiencies.

Where to from here?

Blue Sprout are working with vendors and Pegboard Co to help create solutions which provide clients a response to the problem of integrating systems.

Linking your CRM to your Document Management System and your core business system with effective workflows and reporting.

For more information email Mark Tinsley markt@bluesprout.com.au